Assignment 1: Me, Myself and I
Yahz finally I found a scanner I can use so this is the upload of some of the work i done

This is the 1st sketch i come out with. This is a chemisty set .. back in secondary school i kind of like it and with TV series such as CSI: Crime Sence Investigation, you got all this people that use all this science stuff to solve the crime, so I somehow create this chemisty set that form my name.

This is the 2nd sketch, a snake and ladder board game. From kid that isn't much game we can play of such as all this computer games, video games, we only got like board game or catching at the playground. So I come up with this idea of using a board game and implant my name into it.

This is the 3rd sketch, a Roulette table. With the casino coming up and with the hobby of playing mahjong, I thought this is kind of cool to design a gambling game with my name in it. My favorite game is the mahjong however i cant come up with anything with it so i move it to other game and roulette come to mind.

This is the 4th sketch, a jukebox with music wave playing. I love to listen to music from classical to Rock to Pop. So I come up with this sketch, at first i having problem drawing the wave lines to form my name as it somehow seem too complex.

This is a sketch that was suggestted during the tutorial session so I hope it good enough.
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